Mytime Active believe that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of being in the water. Water based activity can help to strengthen muscles, improve mental health and offers a greater sense of independence and confidence. We are committed to ensuring our swimming pools are accessible and inclusive for everyone in the community.
Changing Places
We have newly developed community Changing Places at two of Mytime Active’s leisure facilities - The Pavilion Leisure Centre in Bromley and Biggin Hill Pool & Library. The Changing Places enable people who need support with their personal care to spend time in Bromley and Biggin Hill.
Aquatilt Chairs
With funding from London Marathon Foundation, we have purchased Two Aquatilt chairs so people with complex needs and their carers can enter both pools safely. The Aquatilt is a pool wheelchair which caters for higher dependency users. The chair offers stability, relieves pressure, provides adjustable head support and is suitable for children (aged 7+) and adults.
Free pool access
We have also secured funding to offer FREE access to our pools for people with complex needs and disabilities. The funding will allow up to 4 free Aqua Active sessions at either The Pavilion or Biggin Hill. You can use your free Aqua Active session during any of our scheduled general swim sessions and carers also access the pool for free. Click here to see swim times.
Please click here to register for free Aqua Active sessions
Through consultation with local partners, we have invested in a range of specialist equipment to ensure the Aqua Active experience is positive. See FAQs at the bottom of this page for more detail on the equipment.
What to wear in the water
We also know that additional consideration needs to be taken with what to wear in the water. Our partners have created a list of possible suppliers that can help with this.